A Proven Strategy To Transition From Amateur To Professional Musician

  • Take the stage and entertain crowds in bars, restaurants, and resorts.
  • Make money doing what you love the most, making music!
  • Everything you need to know is right here.
  • Learn from Craver, a solo-acoustic performer that has taken the journey from amateur to professional. He's played hundreds of gigs in bars, country clubs, Caribbean resorts, and private parties in the U.S. and Europe.
  • Unlike others books on this topic, this book is based on 20-years of hands-on experience. You'll learn valuable information that will save you time and money, while providing the stepping stones for your success.

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A step-by-step guide to becoming a professional solo-acoustic performer.

Meet Rich Van Slyke

Rich wasn't sure that he had what it takes to get paid gigs. Rich transitioned from open mic performer to professional musician. He did it with the help of this book, 'Make Music, Make Money.'


"David, Thank you for the e-book. Some of the things I knew (like "Being entertaining is more important than being talented") I know from experience the importance of showmanship (which I do not have in abundance). But encapsulating the wisdom you earned over the years both validates what I knew or suspected and filled in a lot of what I had no clue about. Especially telling was your paragraphs about how tight a band must be. Your experience resonates true with what I have observed and I intend to take your advice to heart. Thank you. Larry Schuller"

Larry Schuller